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Feb 21, 2024

Agile Job Market

We want this to be a monthly series of meeting to discuss the Agile Job Market.

This is sponsored by Agile Carolinas, so there will be some focus on the Charlotte area.

But we people anywhere, since the market is national, to a large degree, if not international.

We invite all perspectives (roles):
1. Hiring Managers
2. Companies hiring
3. Recruiters
4. People experienced in Agile (eg, who can share their experience)
5. People seeking a job (or a new job)

We ask everyone to be willing to share their perspective.

We also seek advice on how these sessions should go. Please advise us in the meeting or via email (jhlittle@leanagiletraining.com)

This is a group discussion. Joe Little will moderate some.
This first session I hope everyone can talk. Offer a perspective, advice to others (any others), or ask a question.


February 21, 2024
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Event Category:


Online event